Your donations in action!
Since 1994, we have worked together to carry out
275 projects totaling $4.2 million!
Your donation has an everyday impact on our community. Improved services often result in the purchase of state-of-the-art equipment that makes a significant difference in diagnosing, treating, operating on and rehabilitating a patient. The result is access to a highly skilled hospital, reducing wait times, avoiding out-of-region travel and ensuring the well-being of patients.
Funding Sectors
pediatric & mother-child clinic
geriatric (intensive care & palliative care)
medical & surgical care
comfort & safety
community care & wellness
Your donations
in action!
Thanks to your donations in 2018, here are a few of the projects funded for our regional hospital:
Design of waiting room and rest area
$8,781 (Intensive Care)
Safety lever for bariatric room
$14,389 (Intensive Care)
Pediatric stretcher
$7,664 (Pediatrics)
Seniors’ room – Outside sun shelter
$6,800 (Extended Care)
Ergonomic safety lever
$7,735 (Surgery)
ACTIVAC Therapy Unit
$17,500 (Surgery)
Portable ultrasound bladder scanner, suction device, bath lift
$15,640 (Extra-Mural Program)
Two breast pumps
$5,900 (Mother-Child Clinic)
Craft, sewing and knitting project
$1,970 (Volunteers)
Bladder Scan
$11,000 (Pediatrics)
Endovaginal probe
$11,000 (Mother-Child Clinic)
Portable ultrasound and probe
$65,000 (Pain Clinic)